
Skills & Coursework

Relevant Coursework & Certificates

  • Collaborative Geovisualization
  • Creative Non-Fiction
  • Design for Interactive Web Mapping
  • History of Critical Cartography
  • Introduction to Genomic Technologies (Johns Hopkins via Coursera)
  • Introduction to New Mapping
  • Programming for Web Mapping
  • Python for Genomic Data Science (Johns Hopkins via Coursera)
  • Social Impacts of New Mapping
  • Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization
  • Writing for Media

Technical Skills

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Datawrapper (including API)
  • d3.js
  • Git and Github
  • Google App Scripts
  • Google Sheets
  • JavaScript
  • Leaflet.js
  • Mapbox GL JS
  • Mapshaper
  • Microsoft Excel
  • PostGIS/SQL
  • Python
    • geopandas
    • Jupyter notebook
    • matplotlib
    • pandas
  • QGIS
  • Svelte
  • Turf.js